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Wednesday 22 August 2012

Seeing Beauty.

While we were in Kentucky for a wedding at the end of last month, 
I was observing how beautiful a lot of the buildings are.
Since living in the States, I have a new appreciation for the older 
beautiful buildings.
I totally spent my childhood in Europe and then was in Oxford
while at college but I think I began to take the beauty of the 
architecture for granted.

Now I am super excited to be heading back to England.
To see London and Oxford again.
Having my camera with me, YES!
And seeing all the fun people who will be there.

So today, I am thankful
for beautiful buildings & beautiful people (I mean the inside hehe).

Much Love,

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  1. Yes, God's beauty is everywhere if we have eyes to see :D (visiting today via A Holy Experience)

  2. Enjoyed your thoughts on the architectural beauty of Kentucky. I'm originally from TN and southern architecture can be a feast for the eyes. May your trip back to England be blessed with joy and laughter as you visit old friends both in place and life.

  3. Love those old buildings.
    So much beauty all around us.
    Gods beauty surrounds us.

  4. We recently visited Louisville in anticipation of an upcoming move there, and I was also struck by the beauty of the buildings. We enjoyed the city skyline, the bridges, and especially the old homes. My husband will be pastoring as well as attending classes at Southern Seminary -- also a lovely place. I anticipate my children asking to do our homeschooling at the seminary quite often!

    (Just realized I've only posted one picture from that trip so far...

  5. I've been in England a few times, usually just a few hours between flights to or from Uganda, but twice to be there for a week with friends, instead of heading home immediately. Have so loved it. Have some wonderful photos of Oxford. MANY at Worcester. Quite a few in London, of course. And other places. Some of them would make you grin, to say the least. I'm happy for you... would LOVE to be there again. My husband and I want to be in Scotland and Ireland, too. But time, finances, etc., will probably keep that from happening. May YOU HAVE FUN!!!
