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Friday 1 February 2013

Friday Favorites.

Back at the Influence conference, a friend and I were finding ourselves a little overwhelmed by the whole thing. You know being in a new place, around a lot of people you don't really know. It was all a little much for us. So in a Pollyanna moment, we invented something called Angel Moments.
(Reminds me of the Glad Game a little haha!)

The angel moments were times where we saw God in such a real way during the conference, during the overwhelmed ocean going on. We would be feeling totally out of our comfort zone, then something would happen where we would totally feel His presence and love (an angel moment). 
For instance, the first evening was the stripes party, and I was totally feeling overwhelmed in this small room with a few hundred other ladies. So I stepped outside for some air and spent about a half hour talking with such an encouraging wise woman, who I totally thought was an actual angel. 
Then there was standing in an elevator with six high school hockey players standing around me in a semi-circle. No wait, that one was just awkward. ;)

 But despite the overwhelmed feelings going on, there were those moments that happened regularly, where we saw God in everything going on. 
A cup of coffee with a dear friend, a dinner with sweet ladies and a chance to pour our hearts out to one another, jokes about crate&barrell.
Those 'angel moments' that felt divine, like God's unique way of loving on us throughout our day.
Being able to share these precious moments with my friend was so encouraging during the conference, and I would love to open it up to all you lovelies who want to join me.

I want us to use the Instagram hashtag:


and share these moments together as a way of encouraging one another.
So during your day, however mundane or overwhelming it might seem, when you feel the Lord loving on you or any other kind of 'angel moment' I really hope you will Instagram it and use the hashtag! 
I'm hoping we will be encouraged by how many moments occur when we start looking for them and how encouraged we are by sharing them together.

My hope is to then feature a few on the friday favorites everyweek.

Here are my favorites from the week.

I can't wait to see your angel moments, friends!

Much Love,

(Find me on Instagram @ GloriousWithin)

P.S. This song is on repeat this week for me. In. Love.

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  1. Yeah, I was in the elevator with the high school hockey players at one point too at the conference-that was interesting, ha, ha! :)

    Very cool thing you're starting with the Glorious Angel Moments!

    Love that Christina Perri song!!

  2. I love this idea!! Ill keep this in mind as I have special moments like this.
