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Tuesday 26 February 2013


watching:I finished watching multiple seasons of the Vampire diaries while crafting. Since I have been working hard on all my store products. Since finishing that, I've been having several throwback moments and watching Dawson's creek haha! I don't usually watch that much TV, can you tell?

listening:I have been trying to listen to my new cds I got over Christmas, but lately the two songs I have had on repeat are A Thousand Years by Christina Perri and Hide Your Love Away by Anthem Lights. 

reading:The hubby and I have been reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan with our small group which has been such a great book to go through with others. To share thoughts and hear others perspectives on the topic. I've also been busy reading through some photography books to improve my skills there.

eating:Lots of fruits and veggies for us. Part of my #30daybuttkick has been to eat healthier as well. So more of our food budget is on those, when hungry I have been munching on those yummy healthy things instead of snacking on junk food (which I've actually stopped keeping in the house). Avocados as well are one of my favorites.

looking forward to:Summer. Definitely. Spring is teasing us here in the midwest right now with a beautiful sunny day with weather in the 40s. Gorgeous! And you can see all the buds appearing on the trees. Might I add we are all on winter storm watch too over the next few days. Sigh. But hopefully it will be the last snow of the season and then spring will appear. I'm hopeful anyway.

thinking about:Summer still. And volleyball tournaments, softball too. I can't wait to get back outside again. Playing in the sun, having more daylight hours. Still thinking about it. 

loving:The beautiful friendships I have found here in the blog world, new friendships I have found at church and the long lifetime friends who I have been able to talk to lately.  

How are you guys doing? Sorry I haven't been around much!
Once my stores are in full swing again, I hope to be back here more often.
You can find the Print Store on Etsy here.
And Accessories on Storenvy here.

Much Love,

{Post inspired by the lovely illy @ much love,illy}

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  1. I love this post format idea and thanks for sharing what you're reading! I love discovering new (to me) books. :)

  2. Yay. Glad to see you back! Missed you!! :)
    And Illy is beautiful. I know her for real, cause she has always gone to my church!

    Much love!

  3. Your new necklaces are gorgeous! I'm going to go buy one right now. Yep.
