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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Influence Meet & Greet.

Well hello everyone! I'm so sorry about forgetting to set this post up, 
as I did know about it a few days ago.
Truth be told, I am still relating to Winnie-the-Pooh with feeling as though my head is made of fluff. Therefore, I am trying to lie low as I am due to fly to England this upcoming weekend to perform Maid of Honor duties for my sister's wedding. 
(Whilst trying not to think of all the things that have to happen before then)
So cold ~ Be gone!!!

However, in plan is to attend the Influence Conference along with several awesome girls I have met through this beautiful community. 
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am, 
and nervous as it does seem weird to be heading to a blogging conference right? 
(Well maybe to those who don't blog)
It also hasn't full sunk in yet that God actually opened the door for me to go, and to join several of my closest blogging friends! What an amazing blessing!! 
I am still working on the final projects which have helped me pay my way to the conference.
My Etsy products have been such a help. (Store here)
So even though it seemed like a pipe-dream....the money was provided and it is actually becoming a reality.

3 get-to-know-me things:

1. I have been married for 2 amazing years to my wonderful husband, A. It has been such an adventure and such an eye-opener at learning how sinful I am. Marriage has definitely been one of the biggest refining processes I have ever been through. 

2. I am actually British by nationality. But I don't have an accent so it's unlikely you would have ever figured this out unless I told you. 
(Or you traveled with me and saw my passport)

3. I have a heart for encouraging others, especially younger girls. I led a Jr high small group just after graduating high school and fell in love with encouraging them and sharing Jesus with them. I long to see other girls falling passionately in love with Jesus. 
(Picture taken of some of the group this summer, 6 yrs later!) 

2 things I’m looking forward to about the conference:

1. Meeting all the wonderful ladies whose blogs I have been reading and who have been such an encouragement in the past 7 months of blogging!
(Including driving on a mini-road trip with my roomies to Indianapolis and having tons of fun hanging out in person with those girls!)

2. Learning more about how to blog to further God's kingdom! I feel there is so much wisdom to be gained from the sessions available and the ladies hosting this conference, I can't wait to hear all about what they have learned in their adventures with God.

1 thing I can’t leave home without:

My camera!!!

Because I know I will want to remember the memories and wisdom gained from this trip for a very long time!!

And I can't wait to share about the conference! 

Much Love,

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  1. Yayy!! So excited to see you :) I think there will be alot of hugging and tears!
    1. Love the headband :) :)
    2. COLD GO AWAY! Still praying.
    3. I can't wait to see the community come together in person at the conference - so exciting!
    4.LOVE YOU!

  2. PS - oh and I'm so glad you're bringing that nice camera because we are gonna cherish those pics forever! :)

  3. Hi L! I'm heading to the Influence conference and hope to meet you there. What a blessing I know you are to young girls who are trying to grow closer to Christ!

  4. Have fun at your sisters' wedding! That is so exciting!

    I am so completely excited to meet you outside of the internet and give you a big hug!

  5. How awesome you work with young girls! Looking forward to meeting you in person!

  6. the other things that would betray the fact that you're british would be if you said "against" or "oxford." ;]
    i just have to laugh at this because i love british accents (i'm such an american) and my only british friend DOESN'T HAVE ONE! haha.
    i'm sad i don't get to see you this weekend but i'm excited for your sister's wedding and for your trip back to england! i hope you have safe travels and a fun trip! love you!

  7. Your blog is inspiring! You are inspiring. :) I am so happy to have found you. (I can't leave home without my camera as well.)

    I am your newest GFC follower. If you have a moment and would like to, you can visit me here The Things We Find Inside

  8. Happy travels! And look forward to meeting you at the conference!

  9. So inspiring that you work with young girls; I think that's really amazing.

    I'm a new follower and can't wait to see you at the conference!

  10. Where are you from in Britain? I was in England earlier this year.

    I'll be toting my camera at the conference too. :)

  11. Ahhh, I can't wait to meet you!!!!!!!!
    The Lord has truly gifted you in the gift of encouragement. you have been such a great encouragement!

    Can't wait to spend time with next week!
