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Tuesday 11 September 2012

50 Shades of Stupid [Co-hosted with Julie from The Funny Thing]

Welcome to 50 SHADES OF STUPID!
The Brand New Link Up where we tell on all the stupid things we do and say!

Now, it's YOUR turn, Grab a button, tell me something dumb you did last week,
last month, last year, 14 years ago...or maybe something you do regularly!
I am ready to get my giggle on. You know, the giggle you get when you are alone.
At your computer. Smiling like a monkey. That giggle.
Grab a button, link up, follow me and my co-host  this week, 
which is L from ALL GLORIOUS WITHIN and make us laugh!



Hey guys!
L here now to share my fun story!! =) story happens to involve a Jr high experience.
I picked one from so long ago simply because I think it is by far
one of the most embarrassing things to happen to me.

Picture me as a little sixth grader a little intimidated at being the small kid full of middle schoolers.
Having a hard time? Here let me help you visualize.....

So I decided that student council sounded like a totally cool idea &
thought I would go ahead and run for sixth grade rep.
Everything went really smoothly,
I was running against a new kid in the school and someone who was pretty new too....
so most people had told me they had full confidence I would do an excellent job.
We get to the school assembly where everyone running for student council is giving their speeches.
And the sixth grade reps are set to go last, myself the very last person.
I was sitting on that stage listening to these awesome speeches
and freaking out about how lame mine was starting to sound on the piece of paper in my hand.
Finally, it was my turn......

I got up to the podium.
Said my name.
And Froze.


For like several minutes.

I just stood there.

Until finally a teacher came up and asked me if I wanted to sit down again.

So I did.
And cried.
On the stage.
In front of the whole middle school.

I never lived that down.
Everyone remembered for pretty much the whole of Jr High.
Oh and I lost the election too.

(Yes, that's me in the tie-dye shirt, btw I am wearing shorts underneath)

Guess politics were just never my thing =)
Can't wait to hear all of your embarrassing moments!!!!

Much Love,


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  1. hahha. awwww. i ran for Girls Club treasurer, but i was the only one who ran, so i won!! lol..cheerleading on the other hand, i did not get into =) i'm glad you clarified there were shorts underneath.. i was concerned.. hee hee..
    thanks so much for pushing me to do this.. and co-hosting my first link up.

  2. newest follower from the link up. i had something like that happen to me too.. i wont tell details haha!
    have a blessed day, hope you will stop by :)

  3. Wow. If we are going all of the way back to Jr. High for examples, I have about 4 years of material at the ready. :-)

    (Including the time when I ran for Class President. Apparently, I got that confused with Class Clown. I had a very funny speech, but no content. Apparently, the students actually wanted to know what ELSE I planned on doing besides laughing. I lost the someone who actually stated her plan for the year. Imagine that.)

  4. That sounds mortifying! I used to get the worst stage fright too. Ugh. But your middle school pics are adorable! Lol Following from the linkup :-) jenn

  5. So, mines from Middle school too!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will just post it here!

    Since I was a little girl, I've always had DARK -black eyebrows and brown hair. In middle school is when everyone begins searching and seeking the right image. I was definately seeking. I was soooooo tired of my dark eyebrows that I thought I would SHAVE them off!!!!!

    Ha-ha! I shaved them off and then realized, WOW! i don't have eyebrows. I then had to line in my eyebrows and that was just terrible! I was worse off then than I was to begin with!!!

  6. Oh you poor thing!! haha how sad!! Love this link up - hilarious :)
