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Sunday 3 November 2013

October Fun. //Halloween//

We were invited to a Halloween party this year, so I thought we could totally have fun dressing up in costumes this year. 
Our first Halloween we weren't in the same country, so we didn't dress up. 
Our 2nd Halloween we had a blast dressing up as Thing 1 and Thing 2. (We had tickets to an event that required costumes....they were kinda last minute)

Last year was also last minute and involved driving around to about 4 different thrift stores to find things we needed. We were minions as you can see in the back of the group picture.

So this year.....I decided I didn't want to end up spending more than $20 as I don't think costumes should be expensive. So I found an amazing blog who made her kids costumes, but they were made from a template of their clothes......and figured we could totally do that and just make them to fit us. I knew what we should be this year, I just didn't want to pay the $100+ for actual costumes. I even checked eBay but they were still that price. So I went to Joanns with my coupon and spent about $20 on supplies and pulled out my sewing machine. So last weekend, all my waking moments were spent working on these:

Link to Rapunzel Costume (I only made the top section, the skirt was an old Prom dress)

If you guys dressed up or your kids did, leave a link in the comments. 
I want to see =) 

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  1. Oh my goodness! You guys look phenomenal! I wish I had your sewing skills. That's one of the best couples' costumes I've ever seen. Well done!! :)

    1. Aww thanks Jaimie! That's so sweet of you, trust me I'm not that talented. I can't follow a pattern to save my life. This was like made-up in places as I made them.
      Much Love!

  2. You're Rapunzel and Flynn Rider costumes are amazing! They look great!

    1. Thanks so much friend! We had a ton of fun this year! =)

  3. Replies
    1. You are so sweet friend! Thankyou! =)

  4. Soo cute! I love the costume, and so impressed that you made it!

    1. Haha thanks girl! I was pretty impressed myself, using my sewing machine gives me tons of trouble but it cooperated this time =)
      For some reason I couldn't stop thinking of Anne and her puffed sleeves while I was sewing those sleeves on the dress & I totally got her obsession LOL!!
      Love you girl! Can't wait to SEE you in March!! =)

  5. Oh cute. I think the thing 1 thing 2 costume is so cute and clever for a quick last minute one! And this for $20 awesome job!! Well done!

    1. Haha thanks girl! Yeah they were so last minute I decided this year I wasn't doing that again, too stressful. I'm one for cheap costumes so it had to be about $20 and no more =) Much Love!!

  6. This is so perfect because you both actually look the part!

    1. Haha thanks Cait! Well I think A looks the part and I just have the blonde hair =) =)
