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Monday 24 June 2013

Recommended Reads. Booksneeze Part 3.

Yes, its another review. This girl has been reading a lot of books in the evenings as it is now officially summer. Woohoo.

At first glance this novel caught my eye, yes yet another judging a book by its cover moment for this girl. I am a romantic at heart and a sucker for fairytales, so even though I had originally planned on reviewing a different book, I couldn't help asking for this one instead. I love the mush, happy endings and ‘aww’ moments found in fairytales, must be the girly girl in me.
So this book (Once Upon A Prince by Rachel Hauck) looked perfect.

This is the story of a typical 20-something girl called Susanna, who finds life completely turned upside down when her boyfriend of 12 years breaks up with her instead of proposing. Enter a chance encounter with a tall dark handsome stranger who fast becomes a good friend to her. All the while she is unaware he is a prince in line to a European throne. 

While being a cute story which didn't disappoint on its 'aww' moments, I couldn't help feeling like it was a retelling of one of my favorite movies, The Prince and Me
So while I enjoyed it, I can't say it is a new favorite.
I feel like I never really connected with any of the characters on a deep level or understood a lot of the political story going on between the two fictitious countries soon to be ruled by the Prince.
I would have loved to have seen more depth in the faith of the main characters  There were times when I felt scripture or a short prayer had been added almost as an afterthought. 

All that to say, I would recommend it as a fun, clean, light romantic read. It is a cute fictitious story inspired by England's royal family.

What have you guys been reading lately?
I need some recommendations :)

Much Love,

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  1. This sounds cute. I just recently bought the Illad and Odyssey but haven't gotten around to reading them yet.

  2. That sounds like a good book! :) I'm reading children's books, although I'm behind because of my iPad addiction, LOL!
