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Wednesday 19 March 2014

P.S. He Loves You.

So there's this girl in California, who is pretty much one of the most amazing women I have ever met in my life. And believe me I know some amazing women. 
This girl shared recently how we met on her instagram. Its seriously one of the most amazing stories. 

I met her back in 2005/2006 I'm not exactly sure when. I think I was a freshman in college, totally feeling lost being transplanted back into the western world after being in desert for about 6-7 years. Things were hard, I had surrendered my love life to the Lord after fighting Him and a lot of wrestling over it. I totally surrendered it, I had no idea what He was going to do with it (read more here). So I signed up with a community called purity girls, all beautiful young girls who shared this passion of trusting the Lord with their love lives. It was exactly what I needed at that time in my life when I felt as though no-one understood my desire to really love Him by giving Him the pen to my story and seeing what He would do with it. The day I signed up, there was an option to pick an accountability partner, and I felt like such a fraud. I had only just started on this journey of learning how to trust my heavenly prince with this area, I certainly didn't think I had anything to offer anyone else on this issue. 

I was scrolling through these pictures of young girls all with beautiful hearts and incredible stories, and I didn't really know what I was even doing being among them. When I clicked and a precious young girl (the same age as me) appeared on my screen. I read her bio about surrendering her pen to her sweet savior and trusting Him on His timing for romance and I got a little nudge. I have never been more sure about the Holy Spirit nudging me to do something. I was sitting there going 'but I didn't even want an accountability partner, Lord. I'm still trying to figure out what this looks like to trust you in this area, I can't support anyone.' And I felt His sweet whispers, 'Pick her, just trust me.'

So I clicked request accountability partner. And I have tears flowing down my face at His faithfulness by that simple click. Because the years that followed were just precious, we emailed each other, prayed for each other, shared our struggles and dreams in this area of our lives. It has truly just been one of the most encouraging friendships in my life, being able to walk similar paths with this incredible girl who lived the other side of the world from me. 

He absolutely wanted us in each others lives, and I am so thankful He did. It has been a blessing watching Him answer our prayers for one another. And I look forward to maybe sharing more of this amazing story with you guys someday.....

Now that I've bragged on her and the way the Lord brought us together as sisters....
she did something amazing this past year already.
She has written the most amazing inspiring devotional (and I'm not just saying that, really!). 
It has brought me into a beautiful season of seeking my precious prince & I have enjoyed just sitting in His presence understanding how much He thinks of me, how huge is love is for me, while reading her precious thoughts and meditating on the scriptures she shared. It reads like letters from her directly to you friend, you will honestly believe they are personally written for you. 

And I really think you should check it out.
You really won't regret it.  

But just in case you need any more persuasion, here's some sneak previews:

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  1. This is so sweet, and I love her blog! And yours. It's becoming one of my favorites. Haven't read this devotional yet but I will be.

    1. Oh friend! I think you'll love her devotional! Its just amazing!! =) =) Thanks for your sweet words! Much Love!

  2. You two are so gorgeous! Y'all are such an encouragement to so many girls, including me. :) xoxo

    1. Aww you are just so sweet Katie! Thanks for those sweet words! =) Much Love!
