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Friday 6 June 2014

He is with Us. Always.

Its been a little heavy on book reviews, home tours and tutorials around here lately. Sorry about that....did you happen to catch that we moved again lol. On my days at work the girls have had me thinking up creative projects to keep their little hands busy during long summer days. Thank goodness we can play outside again now that its warm out. 

I mentioned before how I was trying to make my way through deeper content with daily prompts which took place back in February when I didn't have time for it. So I decided to just do them as I can which has actually given me time to think and process before just jumping in and writing. The first prompt was sharing your story/testimony which you can read here

So onto prompt number two: What fires you up? What are you passionate about? 

Well if we were together in person, I hope we would grab coffee for this conversation as I'm sure once we both get talking we would be here a while. What a question. And where does one even start on answering it? There's a reason I wrote an entire series back in October on figuring out all the different things I am passionate about, it was called 31 Days to figuring out the Pieces (link here). All of those different topics get me fired up in different ways. 

Purity. Waiting on the Lord. Hearing the sweet testimonies and stories of the Lord's faithfulness in sweet friend's lives. Central Africa. Adoption. Being a godly wife. Missions. Other Cultures. 

So many things....I couldn't even hope to touch on all of them in one simple answer to such a huge question. But I will share one way the Lord stirred my heart and got me fired up one weekend. 

We were sitting in our Sunday morning adult fellowship class listening to a precious young family share their story and where the Lord currently has them. 
He has called them to this crazy situation (at least I thought so when they first explained), living in community with people in the middle of a jungle. The only way in is by aircraft. 
No Target right down the street to go browse, no takeout locations in abundance if a night off from cooking is needed, no hospital to take their babies should they have a high fever & mama needs peace of mind. There kids are young, both under 3 and one of them a newborn. My first thought was wow Lord, I want to know this woman because I need faith like that.

Faith that would give me peace about following you into a situation where medical care is difficult and not easily accessible for my little ones. Faith that you will provide when supplies are needed and there is unrest in a country you have called us to. Faith that trusts you above situations occurring around us, that listens when you say stay & when you say go. 
Faith that requires placing future children in the palm of your hand and being willing to go wherever you called us even if that means a remote village and everyone we know thinks we are crazy. 

I want that kind of faith. 

To be able to trust Him so much for our daily bread, my every need. That I would be more afraid to be comfortable and outside of God's will for us, than in the middle of a jungle with precious little ones. 

I love it when the Lord stirs my heart and shows me more about Himself and areas of my life that need to change. Its far from comfortable, but its beautiful. 

May I never grow content with being comfortable.  

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  1. I love this. I have been praying lately for that kind of faith! What an incredible testimony.

    1. Isn't it incredible friend! I am just amazed & so want that kind of faith too! :)
      Much Love!

  2. Thanks for writing, my Creator has also been showing me that He is enough. He is all I need, may my heart truly believe it. Blessings on ya!

    1. Thanks for your sweet words friend! :) Same here for me....oh that my faith would be greater & that I would really trust Him with my life like that! :) Much Love!

  3. Such a good story, L. I want to have faith like that, too.
