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Monday 7 April 2014

Write your Story on my Heart.

{Thank you sweet Katie for taking this picture!}

You know its not just coincidence when you hear the same message/topic multiple times in many different places. So the theme the Lord has been speaking to me lately has all been on sharing our stories. You know our testimonies, stories of ways He has worked in our lives. How He has walked each of us through so many different struggles, experiences and seasons. Yet we all have these incredible testimonies of how He has been or is at work in our lives. 
When we let it, that can be such a gift to share with others. Used for encouragement, sympathy and leaving people with the knowledge that we don't struggle alone whatever we are facing. Each of us battles different things, but there are others who have walked similar paths.

It is so encouraging when we encounter those who are further ahead than we are in a particular season or struggle in life. While at Hope Spoken last weekend, I had the blessing of meeting such a sweet woman. I hadn't given a ton of thought as to which sessions I would listen to when we had our breakout sessions and got to listen in to several willing ladies share their stories of how the Lord has worked some crazy things into their lives. And loved how the Lord's hand was so evident in each of their stories.

When I sat through Danielle's session, I was captured by her words as she let her story unfold for us. Then came the ugly cry in the middle of a hotel ballroom. Just the reminder that grace is there for each of us no matter what we face. That redemption comes when we are willing participants in the plans He has for us. That some seasons may feel excruciatingly painful, but they have a divine purpose as He allows them to happen. Nothing is wasted with Him. No experience is just unnecessary trauma, but rather it is often woven into our life for a purpose we may never know or simply to conform us more into His image.
And if sweet Danielle had not been brave and stepped up allowing the Lord to use her story to touch the hearts of those women in that room, I may never have seen that truth shine brightly into my own life circumstances. 

I loved this reminder last weekend, that this is why we each have stories. Several times in the past I have been told that I share too many stories with people. Yet I've always come away confused as to why you wouldn't want to hear that whoever you are talking to gets what you are saying, because they have walked something similar. I love hearing stories from others, I have so instantly felt like kindred spirits with a beautiful woman after hearing her encouragement in the form of her story. Its such a way into the depths of a person, hearing how the Lord has walked them through struggles and hearing how He has redeemed terrible situations. It gives such hope and encouragement in my own life. And it is such a blessing to be allowed into a person's life through them sharing those deep things. 

I really hope to be a good steward of the experiences He chooses to write into my life. To not just keep them to myself, but to share them with others. Even when that is hard.
But never with the intention of drawing focus to myself or to hurt others in my life, but because these stories are incredible because they have an incredible author. One whose glory is reflected in every broken relationship redeemed, every heart healed and every act of grace extended. 

How can we keep quiet about that? Why would we want to keep those things to ourselves? Don't be afraid to share what He calls you to or what He has walked you through. We are here for a purpose, to display His glory above all, that includes our experiences and stories. 
You never know who might be listening and see Him and be touched by that, all because you shared part of your story. 

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