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Friday 10 January 2014

2013 In Pictures. (& some words)

So in true me fashion, I am totally late to the party. But I've been working hard, chasing dreams (I may have just placed an order for $150 worth of equipment on amazon eekk!) and as I'm learning to worry less about what people think, I guess I don't mind what anyone thinks that I'm like more than a week late on this.

I wanted to remember some fun memories from this year. So this is a review of the year in pictures. 


We moved. Into a house with gorgeous floors. Only temporary but was super fun!
I also wrote about sharing our stories & choosing to be happy for others


I learned how to ski last winter, so did my sister. So we have some epic friends who are willing to chase each other down slopes together. What a blast! 
The Superbowl also made me angry & shared about the loves in my life for Valentines Day.


I changed jobs in March which is probably when my posting decreased oops. Sorry life has been full of learning important skills and chasing two little people. I wouldn't change it for anything. 
I also jumped right in and started to share our love story


This hottie and I tackled an item on our bucket list this year, in April we went to Niagara Falls for the first time. It has to be one of the prettiest things I've seen. 
I started my Purpose Project and blogging mainly revolved around that for the month of April. 


I celebrated my birthday with him this year (no small feat in the past I tell ya!) & it was super fun! We explored, had a blast and then ran a 5k together the following day to raise money for the Mocha Club. (Post on those events here)


I spent most of the summer listening to crickets on this space, being present with those around me & took some unexpected time out from blogging. Trying to slow down in the middle of our busy season. Oh yeah.....we moved again sometime at the beginning of the summer. Hopefully the last one in our 3+ moves in the space of a year. 


My whole immediate family was together in July this year which was really fun and hopefully will happen again in 2014. We were able to celebrate my dad's birthday & celebrate the 4th of July (nevermind that we are british haha!) 

I also celebrated 3 years of being married to this amazing man.  


In August we started developing deep friendships with some amazing people at our church. I am so thankful for them. I had been praying for deep connections there for a while. So I stepped out of the internet community and stopped apologizing for choosing to be where the Lord had placed me physically
I also did my 2nd Stitch Fix & spontaneous date with my hubby. I love those boxes for that reason! (Want a referral click here!


I went to Africa with Brooke. Well it wasn't Africa for real, but it was definitely so fun!! =) We also went on a marriage retreat, and as you can tell from the picture, it was gorgeous! That was the backyard to the house we stayed in. I also talked about choosing to be content again. We also celebrated my hubby's birthday & went apple picking together. I tried to let go of the busy, and shared some deep thoughts of what being a nanny has taught my heart.  
I also made the decision to choose not to attend Influence as the Lord opened a door for me to go to Hope Spoken instead. Coming soon in March friends!!! 


October got messy as friendships got deeper and my heart was wrecked by reading Emily Freeman's book A Million Little Ways. Followed by Beth Moore's study So Long, Insecurity
I blogged a lot and went pretty deep on figuring out the messy interested and passions trying to figure out what the Lord wanted me to chase. That can be best explained by reading these. 


We celebrated Thanksgiving with my brother-in-law's family. The Lord continued to wreck me as He taught me how much insecurity had been playing a part in how I was living life. I wrote this towards the end of the study


We celebrated Christmas and started the Winter season off with an amazing ski trip already. I also picked the word Hope for the coming year. It was also an unexpected month, but with hearts in the right place. And I got all the finances in place for Hope Spoken. Praise God! 

Looking back with pictures of all the events, I guess you weren't all bad 2013. 
You certainly held a lot of growth, ideas, fun moments and things I would not want to change. 

Much Love! 

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  1. What an amazing year you've had! I love your pictures from the falls. I went with my family when I was about 5 and the only memory I has was my dad jokingly threatening to throw me over! Such a goof.

    1. Thanks Kara! =) =) Oh goodness girl, the falls were SO beautiful! =) HAHA thats so funny! =) Much Love!

  2. What a fun year you've had!! May 2014 be even more exciting and full of blessings!

    1. Thanks SO much, you are so sweet friend! =) Hope you have an amazing year this year too =)
