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Monday 13 January 2014

Victim of Grace. [Book Review]

Well, I realise I haven't talked about Booksneeze in a while. Apparently so long that I managed to get my account suspended while I slowly, and I mean slowly made my way through this book haha! Guess I wasn't the only one who thought it took too long. I do like books though and am trying to make a habit of sharing some good ones with you. 

At first, I wasn't sure I entirely liked this book. Initially it just didn't hold my attention, then about halfway through I really started to understand where Robin Gunn was coming from. The second half I probably read in the space of a few days. That may have been my own fault in taking so long to read the first half, which made it hard to follow. Or just was my opinion of the content of the book. It felt slow to get going, but then once you got to the meat she had some great things to say. 

Robin shares a lot of her own story in this, we follow her through many different stages of life as she grapples with various struggles and God's purpose for her life. I loved how she deepened my understand of grace and what that looks like in everyday life. I enjoyed following her on this journey and learning things to take away and apply to my own journey. I also really enjoyed her use of scripture as she shared various verses that she clung to while wrestling with her issues. There's some gems in there! 

I would recommend it anyway but also say its worth reading the whole thing, as the first half is really not super impressive. 

What good books have you read lately friends? 

Disclaimer: Thoughts are my own, however I was given a copy of the book in exchange for my review through Booksneeze

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