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Sunday 12 May 2013

A Wonderful Mommy, A Birthday and A Purpose Project Completed.

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Mommy!
I miss her very much as she is the other side of the world and I only see her a few times a year at most. 
She has taught me so much about love, life, faith, patience and relationships.
Walked me through some really tough seasons of life and been there for me to call day and night when I needed someone. 
She's awesome! And I am so thankful I am her daughter.

I apologize for not being around much here. To say life has been crazy is a little understatement.
Its as though life suddenly spun on its axis in the last month and I've been holding on for dear life.
We are moving this next week into our more permanent home (can I hear a unanimous woohoo!) so every spare moment is spent trying to pack our home again ready to move on Saturday. 
But this past Friday I celebrated a fun year with my gorgeous best friend and other half.
Birthday decorations. Free Starbucks. ManiPedi. DIY Magazine.
Dozen red roses. Walk near harbor. Dinner together.
Pretty perfect day. 
So thankful.

But while I'm updating.....

Here's how the Purpose Project 5k run went.

Our awesome team before the race. Not sure why I made a dorky pose haha.

My time for the race was even with my high school record.
So even though I didn't beat it. Thanks to this project I am at least back in shape again!
Which I couldn't be happier about. 
 Oh and just in case you were curious, the uni brow did wash off ;)
Although my hair still has a slight pink tint to it.

Much Love & THANKYOU so much to all my amazing sponsors!


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  1. Your mom is gorgeous! Y'all look like sisters! And color run!! That's on my list of to-dos in life!

  2. First of all, you look AMAZING! All that training is absolutely paying off! And the fact that you tied your time is incredible, that time was so darn fast! Good for you girl :)

  3. Awesome! Yay for your purpose project + color run! Way to go, girl!
