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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Girl Behind the Blog: Encouragement.


The Girl Behind The Blog- Encouragement 
Time limit: Vlogs should be 2-3 minutes long 

Introduce yourself and your blog 
What is something that encourages you in the blog world? 
What is something that always encourages you in real life? 
How do you go about encouraging the people you love?

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  1. Hey girl!! LOVE your blog. You are so beautiful and such an encouragement. Love all your answers!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words friend! :) Much Love!

  2. YES- I agree with basically everything you said. Deep, meaningful conversations and quality time is the best! I love what you said about encouraging and praying for others when you need encouragement yourself. It's such an effective way for us to get our focus off of ourselves!

    1. Oh goodness it so is! I often forget but when I remember it works everytime :) Hope you are doing well girl! Miss you!

  3. Hi pretty friend! I feel like you have had the most backgrounds ever. Aaaaaaand you just said that haha! Deep meaningful convos... yes, so so encouraging. Love your face!

    1. HAHA! yes its true! Maybe if there were an award for most vlog backgrounds, I could win that :) :)
      Its one of my favorite backgrounds so far....because hopefully it is there to stay for the next few girl behind the blogs ;) hint hint! ;)

    2. P.S. I am SO SO glad you started them case you missed that part ;)

  4. I so agree with encouraging others when I feel discouraged. Or taking some time to pray - that always encourages me.

    1. Absolutely! :) :) So thankful for your encouraging spirit here friend! :)

  5. Hey girl! I love what you had to say! Love this bloggy world!

  6. I"ve been wanting to participate in this link up & perhaps I will. So, seriously, wish we lived closer! Would love to just have coffee with you in real life on a regular basis. You are definitely one of the people in my life that encourage me the most! Love you lady!

    1. Oh girl! I know!! It breaks my heart that you live so far away :( The number of times I have wished you guys were our neighbors or a short drive away :( Same to you sweet friend! You encourage me in so many ways :) Love you!

  7. i guessed wrong! I see now in your vlog which stitchfix item you kept! super cute! Also, love the song in the background! Good point about taking the focus off our own pity-party by choosing to put that energy towards encouraging others. I love that.

  8. I love you outlook on encouraging others. It's so true that focusing on other people also causes us to be more joyful. Loved watching your video!

  9. I really enjoyed watching this, girl. I loved all the things you mentioned, and could totally relate with the deep meaningful conversations. I find them so uplifting, and energizing.

    Keep up the good work! Loved your video.

